Topic outline

  • General

  • Anticipation / cover

  • Text #1: Discovering the protagonists

    The main protagonists of Animal Farm are animals (as shown on the cover). We are going to try and find which, and associate them to their identities : an animal, a name, and a personality.

  • Video #1: Old Major's speech

  • Text #2: Beasts of England

  • Text #3: Taking the lead

  • Picture #1: The Seven Commandments

    Observe the title of this section: The Seven Commandments. What does it suggest to you? What is a synonym for "commandment"? What grammatical structure could you think of to express commandments?

  • Video #2: Working together

  • Text #5: New roles

  • Text #6: One leader too many...

  • Text #7: Confessions...

  • Text #8: Spurious commandments

  • Video #3: All for naught...

  • A historical perspective

  • Final task